Download mac os x lion usb thumb drive

Once downloaded, go to the applications folder and find the copy of lion you just downloaded. Create os x mountain lion bootable usb from windows itek. Connect the usb flash drive or other volume that youre using for the. How to create a bootable mac os x flash drive pcworld. How to boot into os x lion installer dvd or usb thumb drive. They process was simple, easy, and nohassle at all. With the arrival of os x lion in 2011, apple changed its softwaredelivery method to a download model with the mac app store instead of using physical dvds and other media. Since the introduction of os x lion, apple did away with recovery disks, but we know that while this is super convenient for many, having an actual recovery disk can be beneficial at times. You will also be able to order a usb stick from apple but that will be a bit of costly option, especially when. Mac free usb flash drive recovery for mac free download. Os x lion usb thumb drive now available macstories. One is to go to system preferences startup disk and select the usb drive.

Universal 6in1 linux best operating systems collection install recovery multiboot bootable live usb flash thumb drive for pcs and macs 3. Apple ships os x lion on usb thumb drive computerworld. Downloading mac os x lion to usb drive on apple community. While downloading an os x or macos version offers instant gratification, it means youre left without an installer. There are two ways to purchase your copy of mac os x lion. How to clean install mac os x lion using a usb flash drive. Install os x mountain lion from usb flash drive appducate. All you need is a 4gb flash drive and the os x install package any questions post below. Once your usb flash drive has finished formatting, its time to restore the drive image. On the left, rightclick the usb flash drive, select the format disk for mac option.

How to make a bootable lion install disc or drive macworld. But remember if you agree to the payment, you should also be willing to download the huge 3. For those who want to have their copy of lion saved on a physical medium, apple will make the mac os x upgrade available on a usb thumb drive through its online store in august, but at a cost more. There are 2 methods to create a bootable usb drive of mac os on your windows pc. Make os x lion bootable usb flash drive how to tutorial. One high quality usb flash drive with 16gb of storage. Prepare a clean external drive at least 10 gb of storage. This is similar to the process of making a bootable lion installer dvd, but i prefer a usb flash drive because its faster, smaller, and i have a macbook air so an installation dvd isnt too useful for me. Apple no longer supply a bootable usb flash drive for their newest mountain lion operating system, as they did with lion. I bought a licensed copy of mac os x lion because that was what it was asking for, intending to format a usb drive to mac, put the installation disk image on it, and reinstall from that but i dont have a download link, just a redemption code for the mac app store that i cant access. The best thing to do is download it once and create a bootable install usb drive from the file for all of your macs. Download transmacs latest version for windows from this link. Starting with os x lion, apple did away with dvds and other media as a method of installing software and switched to a download model instead.

Connect the usb flash drive or other volume that youre using for the bootable installer. Getting lion from the app store is convenient, but if you want a physical copy of the installation, you can easily make your own lion install dvd or usb drive with disk utility. Make os x lion offline installer dvd and usb thumb. Os x mountain lion create a bootable usb flash drive youtube. This will help you to recover and reinstall the operating system in case a system crashes or if there is any other. Unlike previous versions of mac os x, lion os x 10. Make sure that it has at least 12gb of available storage and is formatted as mac os extended. Install mac os x snow leopard from an external firewire hard drive or usb flash drive. Right click on your usb drive option in transmac and select format disk for mac. Install os x lion from a usb drive mac help from maciverse. This for mac is one of the best and successors of 2011 and it is followed by the for mac of 2007. How to make an os x lion usb thumb drive macintosh how to. Boot mac os x x86 from a usb pendrive this is for osx86 hackintosh creating mac usb drive os x installers with modern versions of os x.

Mac free usb flash drive recovery helps you easily recover all lost missing files and folders from your usb media due to wrong deletion, format, power failure, virus infection or usb damaged, etc. How to format a flash drive on macos erase usb macmetric. Diskmaker x formerly lion diskmaker is an application built with applescript that. Make sure you keep the usb drive somewhere safe and easily accessible. Fortunately, you can create a backup of your mac os x install. Os x lion server may not be available on usb thumb drive, or so were left to understand with apple outlining that mac os x lion server requires lion and is available from the mac app store. This simple guide will teach you how to format a flash drive on mac.

Alternately, the os x lion usb thumb is available online at or any apple store retail location. How to make a bootable mountain lion install drive macworld. Buy os x lion usb thumb drive from onilne apple store. Your drive must be formatted as a mac os extended journaled volume with a guid.

Download os x mavericks from the mac app store, if you havent already. If it tries to start the installation, just close it. How to make a bootable flash installer of os x or macos. How to create an os x mountain lion usb installation drive. Os x lion is also available for a lower price as a digital download from the mac app store. A usb stick you can boot off and repair your lion installation from.

Watch part 1 how to create a 2nd partition on your mac. Download and create usb installer for mac os x yosemite. Download os x mountain lion from the mac app store. Right click on the downloaded file and select show package contents.

Though a recovery partition will be created when you install os x lion, a installation dvd or thunmb drive is. In my excitement yesterday about the release of the new macintosh operating system called lion, i downloaded and installed the new os without thinking about creating a bootable dvd since lion is the first apple os to not come on dvd but rather be distributed via the app store. Starting with os x lion, the only way to get new software will be to download and install it through the mac app store. To create an apple mountain lion bootable usb installation you will need poweriso and an apple os x installation in iso format. This is a howto video on how to redownload mac os x lion, and then use that to burn a bootable install dvd or usb thumb drive. This can be a hard drive, a solidstate drive ssd, a thumb drive, or a usb stickan 8gb thumb drive is perfect. Enterprise administrators, please download from apple, not a locally. Unibeast is a tool by macman and tonymacx86 to create a bootable usb drive from your apple store os x lion usb thumb drive. For mac users wanting to upgrade to mac osx lion, buy the os x lion usb thumb drive, and no huge download is needed. If you want to use the usb to format a new computer or reformat your current computer, there are 2 ways of getting it installed. Make sure to select the partition that youve created and not the drive itself. According to apple, macs upgraded to lion with the usb drive cannot be restored in case of emergency using the usual recovery partition, but must reuse the thumb drive to reinstall the os.

This allinone bootable usb drive can also be used as a rescue boot drive for system recovery. Apple doesnt sell lion on a disk or flash drive, which doesnt give you much of an option to perform a clean install. All you need is a usb flash drive with at least 1gb of free space, and the os x recovery disk assistant. Now that you have all the necessary ingredients, youre ready to make a mac os x bootable usb using the dmg file of the operating system with the steps below. Its also extremely useful for keeping your basic setup. How to create a bootable installer for macos apple support. Mac os x lion is available as an upgrade to mac os x version 10. To elaborate, as you can see in the screenshot, ive selected the partition i named mac os x install esd, not the drive. How to create a bootable mac os usb on windows isoriver. Even so, its still easy to create a usb installation disk for os x lion if you. How to make a mac os x lion bootable thumbflashusb drive for free.

If this is the case, chances are that its using a mbr partition, and the usb drive needs a gpt partition to. The apple mac os x lion thumb drive was incredible simple to use. Insert your usb drive youll need one thats 8gb or larger and open. Open terminal, which is in the utilities folder of your applications folder. You want to do this before creating the bootable media because there is a good chance that the drive was formatted using a windows device. This is the simplest and fastest solution to have available to you anytime, anywhere. Type or paste one of the following commands in terminal. This is problematic if you need to reinstall os x or macos on a newly formatted hard drive, if youre in an. I would recommend this to anyone who need to update their software, and i will be looking for thumb drives for additional updates in the future. Its the easiest way to build an os xmacos installer in a few clicks.

Click start and wait for your usb drive to become ready. Not only this, we will help you pick the best file system for your usb flash drive that you are planning to use on a mac. In fact, it is still very easy to create a usb installation disk for os x lion. How to burn your own os x lion install dvd or usb drive. Supplying stability, safety and better compatibility features. The latest mac os x was released a few weeks back and is said to be the most advanced operating system. A bootable mac os x thumb drive comes in handy when you need to troubleshoot os issues for yourself, your family, or your friends. In disk utility select the partition that was just formatted and click the restore tab. After that, rightclick the usb drive and select restore with disk image. How to create a bootable install usb drive of mac os x 10. Download installer of os x yosemite, mavericks, mountain lion, and lion we are still able to download yosemite from apple store. Go to contents and jump inside the sharedsupport folder and youll find a file titled. I suggest naming it something recognizable, like mountain lion boot drive, mountain lion usb key, etc. To use the os x lion dvd and usb flash drive, you press and hold option key when you hear mac startup chime at start up.

Im going to walk through the process of making a bootable mac os x 10. Among exclusive mac os x releases, mac os x lion is a broadly used running system. Even so, its still easy to create a usb installation disk for os x lion if you want to install lion on a freshly formatted hard drive, if youre in an emergency booting situation, or if you need to repair your mac s hard drive. The simplest way is to download the application from the mac app store. How to quickly create a macos bootable usb on windows 10. The following method allows you to download mac os x lion, mountain lion, and mavericks. We will soon have our a tutorial to do this that will be modernized for tiger and leopard, stay tuned for.

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